Claas Lexion 770 graudu kombains

Ja Jūs esat nolēmuši iegādāties tehniku par zemu cenu, pārliecinieties, ka sazināties ar reālo pārdevēju. Uzziniet pēc iespējas vairāk informācijas par tehnikas pārdevēju. Viens no krāpniecības veidiem - uzdot sevi par reāli eksistējošu kompāniju. Ja jums ir radušās šaubas, sazinieties ar mums papildus kontroles veikšanai, izmantojot atsauksmju formu.
Pirms jūs izlemjat veikt pirkumu, uzmanīgi izskatiet vairākus pardošanas piedāvājumus, lai saprast vidējo cenu jūsu izvēlētajam tehnikas modelim. Ja piedāvājuma cena ir daudz zemāka kā analoģiskiem piedāvājumiem, aizdomājieties. Liela cenu starpība var būt saistīta ar slēptiem defektiem vai ar pārdevēja mēģinājumu veikt krāpnieciskas darbības.
Nepērciet preces, kuru cena atšķiras no vidējās cenas uz analoģisku tehniku.
Nepiekrītiet abšaubāmām ķīlām un preces priekšapmaksai. Šaubu gadījumā nebaidieties precizēt detaļas, palūgt papildus fotogrāfijas un dokumentus uz tehniku, pārbaudiet dokumentu autentiskumu, uzdodiet jautājumus.
Pats populārākais krāpniecības veids. Negodīgie pārdevēji var pieprasīt noteiktu avansa summu, lai "rezervēt" jūsu tiesības uz tehnikas pirkumu. Tādā veidā krāpnieki var savākt lielu naudas summu un pazust, bez kontakta iespējām ar viņiem.
- Priekšapmaksas pārskaitījums uz karti
- Neveiciet preikšapmaksu bez dokumentu noformēšanas, kas apstiprina naudas nodošanas procesu, ja komunikācijas laikā jums rodas šaubas par pārdevēju.
- Pārskaitījums uz "pilnvarotas personas" kontu
- Šādam lūgumam ir jārada bažās, visdrīzāk jūs kontaktējaties ar krāpnieku.
- Pārskaitījums uz kompānijas kontu ar līdzīgu nosaukumu.
- Esiet uzmanīgi, krāpnieki var maskēties zem populārām kompānijām, ieviešot nelielas izmaiņas nosaukumā. Nepārskaitiet naudu, ja nosaukums izraisa šaubas.
- Savu rekvizītu ievietošana reāla uzņēmuma rēķinā
- Pirms veikt apmaksu, pārbaudiet, vai norādītie rekvizīti ir korekti un vai tie attiecas uz norādīto uzņēmumu.
Pārdevēja kontakti

Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Zusätzliche Information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Mähdrescher Typ : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= Weitere Informationen =
Typ: Mähdrescher
Reifengröße vorn: 900/60R32
Reifengröße hinten: 710/60R30
Allgemeiner Zustand: gut
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= More information =
Type: Combine
Front tyre size: 900/60R32
Rear tyre size: 710/60R30
General condition: good
Please contact Anthony Chevalier, Artūras Lapėta or Daniel Wójcik for more information
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Información Adicional :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Tipo de cosechadora : Híbrido
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= Más información =
Tipo: Combinado
Tamaño del neumático delantero: 900/60R32
Tamaño del neumático trasero: 710/60R30
Estado general: bueno
Póngase en contacto con Anthony Chevalier para obtener más información.
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Lisäinformaatio :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Leikkuupuimurin tyyppi : Hybridi
Thresher hours : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Informations Complémentaires :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combiner le type de moissonneuse : Hybride
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= Plus d'informations =
Modèle: Combiné
Dimension des pneus avant: 900/60R32
Dimension des pneus arrière: 710/60R30
État général: bon
Veuillez contacter Anthony Chevalier pour plus d'informations
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
További információ :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Kombájn típus : Hibrid
Cséplőórák : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Additional information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Combine harvester type : Hybrid
Thresher hours : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Extra informatie :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Type maaidorser : Hybride
Dorsuur uren : 1800 h
= Meer informatie =
Type: Combine
Bandenmaat voor: 900/60R32
Bandenmaat achter: 710/60R30
Algemene staat: goed
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ytterligere informasjon :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
skurtresker type : Hybrid
Treskertimer : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Dodatkowe informacje :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Typ kombajnu zbożowego : Hybrydowy
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= Więcej informacji =
Typ: Kombajn
Rozmiar opon przednich: 900/60R32
Rozmiar opon tylnych: 710/60R30
Stan ogólny: dobrze
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, należy skontaktować się z Daniel Wójcik
Tamanho do pneu dianteiro: 900/60R32
Tamanho do pneu traseiro: 710/60R30
Estado geral: bom
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Дополнительная информация :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Тип зерноуборочного комбайна : Гибрид
Thresher hours : 1800 h
= Дополнительная информация =
Тип: Комбайн
Размер передних шин: 900/60R32
Размер задних шин: 710/60R30
Общее состояние: хорошее
Свяжитесь с Artūras Lapėta для получения дополнительной информации
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Ďalšie informácie :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Typ kombajnu : Hybrid
Hodiny mlátičky : 1800 h
Nova Rent is a Baltic company specializing in the rental and sale of used machinery, mainly John Deere tractors and CLAAS combines. We have around 65 CLAAS combines and 60 John Deere tractors in the Baltic region, mostly used on the same farms for 2-3 years. Our machines are maintained by our service team, operating from 4 workshops and over 20 service vans across the 3 Baltic countries.
Annan Information :
Claas Lexion 770
Object No: K00070
Year of manufacture: 2015
Engine hours: 2400
Drum hours: 1800
Engine power: 551
Front tyres/tracks: IF900/60R38
Rear tyres: 710/60R30
Feederhouse dust extractor
Cruise Pilot
CEMOS Auto Cleaning
CEMOS Auto Spearation
Air compressor
Header: V900
Typ av tröska : Hybrid
Tröskeltimmar : 1800 h
= Ytterligare information =
Typ av fordon: Tröska
Däckstorlek för: 900/60R32
Storlek på bakdäck: 710/60R30
Allmänt tillstånd: bra